Business Made Intelligent

Lower the cost of ownership with Tableau

The pace and evolution of business intelligence solutions means what’s working now may need refining tomorrow....

“I can tell you that easily it runs into 10,000-20,000 man hours in terms of productivity generated because of the automation and standardization you get out of Tableau. But more than that, to me it’s the business value—and you cannot really put a price on it.”

Gartner Survey Analysis: Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform Ownership Costs

The cost to deploy Modern BI platforms like Tableau is 39% lower per user over three years compared to “megavendor” solutions.

Tableau Total Cost of Ownership Study from International Institute of IT Economics (IIIE)

The cost to deploy Tableau is 29% lower than Power BI. Lower cost was attributed to efficient data analysis and exploration.
2018 Top 10 business intelligence trends

2018 Top 10 business intelligence trends

It takes a certain amount of skill to build a dashboard and to do analysis, but there’s something that isn’t really something you can teach—and that’s really about the way you tell a story with the data.


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